Devices to help hard-of-hearing patients and environmentally friendly picnic benches for caregivers are the first two projects to receive innovation micro-grants from the Institute for Human Caring (IHC).
The IHC is awarding micro-grants to caregivers or teams seeking to improve delivery of whole person care in 2023. All in the Providence family of organizations are eligible.
Click here to submit your proposal by June 15.
Palliative and spiritual care teams at Providence Alaska Medical Center will use an IHC micro-grant to purchase “SuperEar” amplifier devices to help acute care patients who are hard of hearing better communicate with loved ones and staff.
“Sometimes patients have hearing aids or devices that work for them but were left at home during an emergency, and some patients are not able to access these critical devices at all due to social circumstances,” Alaska’s “Hear You Now” grant proposal said.
Caregivers in Alaska noted some patients would be able to keep these devices upon discharge, while other devices would be disinfected and fitted with new foam ear caps and reused.
Caregivers in Lubbock, Texas, will use their IHC innovation micro-grant to buy picnic-style benches made of recycled materials. The “Care for Me” grant submission noted that Covenant Medical Group Southwest Medical Park lacks outdoor seating and shade.
“Outdoor spaces can positively impact mood, productivity, creativity, impulsivity, and even cognition,” the proposal stated. “A caregiver who feels in balance and has a place to re-center themselves and to build community with their colleagues, is better equipped to serve our patients with compassion and dignity.”
The IHC will fund six-month projects ranging from $5,000 - $10,000, but will consider exceptional proposals for up to $20,000. The IHC also will offer project management and analytic support. Proposals must be endorsed by a Providence leader at the director level or above. The following areas are not eligible: Research, capital expenditures, or new FTE.
Two grant cycles remain this year. Projects are expected to launch and be completed within six months.
An application needs to be submitted according to the timeframes below:
Application dates in bold June 1-15 Sept. 1-15 |
Proposals not accepted may be considered for a future round if the applicant desires.
For questions about eligibility or requirements, contact Ashley Areyan, senior program manager: or 310-991-7534.