Chris Pizzi
Chief Executive
Southern Oregon Service Area
The financial challenges facing the health care industry and Providence have prompted us to look at services more strategically. As such, in order to continue access to high-quality, sustainable gastroenterology services in our community, Providence is in the process of forming a partnership with Gastroenterology Consultants, PC (GC). This means that, after careful discernment, Providence Medford Gastroenterology Clinic will close on Feb. 10, 2023.
We understand this transition will be challenging, and we hope to make the process as smooth as possible. We are working to guide caregivers who wish to stay with Providence toward available opportunities.
We will begin notifying patients soon and develop transition-of-care plans with GC. We will continue accepting new patients on a limited basis and work with GC to schedule referrals.
We will communicate additional details on this transition as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please reach out to your core leader or Blake Bowen, director of operations for specialty care at Providence Medical Group.