Improvements to Epic for Rheumatology specialty

Providence Clinical Network – Providence's Epic Optimization for Specialty team is rolling out a series of updates to optimize usage for the needs of various specialties. Last week, they added optimization for Rheumatology.

Training tools and resources can be found on the Epic Optimization for Specialty playbook site for Rheumatology. We encourage Rheumatology clinicians and support staff to visit the site and review this video overview of the changes.

Clinicians can also learn about the new Epic features for Rheumatology via the training documents and SharePoint resources:

We hope these improvements will help reduce the burden and time spent in the EHR and allow you to direct more of your time and energy to your patients and teams. You can read more about the Epic Optimization for Specialty project here. Please direct any questions to your local informatics contact. 

Thank you for all you do. Please feel free to share this information and this flyer with your Rheumatology teams and colleagues.  


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