January 11, 2025
With record number of caregivers returning to work, Providence reaches out to begin scheduling mediation.
Providence today informed federal mediators that, with the help of so many ONA-represented caregivers who chose to work rather than participate in strikes, our ministries are now in a position to discuss resuming mediated negotiation sessions.
More than 600 ONA-represented nurses have chosen to work – a rate that is nearly 400% higher than in previous strikes.
That, combined with our focused time of advance planning and preparation, has allowed Providence to begin the process of discussing with federal mediators the process for resuming negotiations. We are ready to start at Providence Medford and Providence Newberg today.
We will also make plans for scheduling negotiations for other bargaining units in the days ahead, as ministry leaders determine when they can step away from operational and care planning to focus again on negotiations.
Providence is grateful for all those who have supported our planning and preparation – including our permanent caregivers and temporary replacement nurses – to ensure our ability to provide safe, high-quality care in all our ministries.