January 30, 2025
We continue to hear from striking caregivers who want to return to caring for our patients.
Starting Friday, Jan. 31, if caregivers on strike want to return to work, they can reach out to their core leader between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on any weekday, Monday through Friday. Core leaders will work to return caregivers to their regular schedule as soon as they can.
Caregivers who want to return should not report to their unit until they’ve spoken with their core leader and confirmed the date and time to return. If a caregiver’s schedule is filled by a replacement worker, their next scheduled shift may be up to five days after they notify their core leader of their availability.
Reminder: Caregivers should be sure they are current with all required certifications and licenses prior to their return.
Benefits will continue into February
After reflection and in recognition of our values, health care benefits for striking caregivers will continue into February.
Important note: If a striking caregiver received a reduced paycheck on Jan. 17 or did not receive a Providence paycheck, payroll deductions for health insurance benefits were not made. Consistent with our existing practice, missed benefits payments will be deducted from the first paycheck when caregivers return to work.