Welcome to Petaluma Valley Hospital
While visiting your loved ones, we ask you to respectfully comply with our visitor policy
At Petaluma Valley Hospital, our priority is to protect the health and safety of all patients, visitors, and health care personnel who enter our facilities. We understand the importance of patients having access to loved ones while receiving care.
A. Designating a Support Person for Visitation
1. Petaluma Valley Hospital complies with health orders regarding visitation during infectious disease outbreaks from the Sonoma County health department, the California Department of Public Health, and any other regulatory agency with the authority to issue a public health order.
2. Hospital visitation may be limited based on recommendations from CDPH, the CDC, or local public health.
3. Patients have the right to select a primary support person, defined as a significant individual of the patient's choosing that provides them with the physical, psychological, or emotional support during their hospitalization. This includes inpatient, outpatient, and observation stays.
4. Patients have the right to determine who may or may not visit them, and this is not restricted to family members. Additionally, patients may withdraw from or deny
visitation by others at any time. When this occurs, it should be communicated with the care team as soon as possible.
B. Visitation will not be restricted or denied based on race, color, national origin, culture, language, physical or mental disability, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other criteria disallowed by law.
C. Visitors are not allowed in restricted areas (such as perioperative and procedural areas) without being accompanied by a hospital caregiver.
D. Visitor identification may be checked upon entering the facility, and a visitor badge may be issued.
E. Visitors may be subject to additional security measures such as visual or wand inspection of their person or belongings, or going through a metal detector.
F. There is no specific limit to the number of visitors who may visit at a time, or the duration of visits. However, in situations where a patient is being cared for in a semi-private room,
G. Children are welcome with adult supervision other than the patient. The patient cannot be responsible for supervising children.
H. There are no specific age restrictions for child visitors. It is recommended that for younger children, visitation be tailored to their developmental stage, attention span, and behavioral abilities.
I. All visitors are expected to behave respectfully. Disruptive, aggressive, or violent visitors will be removed from the facility. Additional behaviors that may result in removal include
J. Visitors who are ill are asked to refrain from visiting patients. Visitors may be asked to practice respiratory hygiene and wear a mask.
K. Visitors are expected to stay in the patient's room or wait in designated waiting areas. It is not permissible to congregate in or block hallways.
L. Quiet hours extend from 2100 to 0700. It is encouraged that visitation occur outside these hours to promote a restful environment. Visitors on premises during quiet hours are required to acknowledge them by remaining quiet so that patients may rest.
M. Overnight visitation:
1. Overnight visits by a family member or support person is supported. A family member/support person may stay in the patient's room at night with approval of the shift lead nurse, nursing supervisor, or unit manager with the expectation of remaining quiet without patient or unit disruption.
2. Infants may stay with their mother so long as there is another adult staying to care for the infant.
3. Reasonable efforts to accommodate the overnight visitor will be made. However, it is to be understood that patient care is the priority, and overnight visitors are expected to awaken when morning activities commence.
N. When a patient is incapacitated or otherwise unable to communicate his or her wishes and;
1. An Advance Health Care Directive is presented designating an individual as the patient's support person, PVH will:
a. Recognize this designation
b. Provide a copy of the patient's visitation rights to the support person.
2. No Advance Health Care Directive is available and an individual asserts that he or she is the patient's support person, PVH will:
a. Accept this assertion without requiring documentation
b. Provide a copy of the patient's visitation rights to this individual
Guidelines for Specific Inpatient and Outpatient Areas:
O. Emergency Department
1. Visitors are welcome in the Emergency Department. Patients may have visitors of any age at any time of the day.
2. It is preferable to have a maximum of two visitors per patient at a time. Visitors may be restricted depending on patient flow and the condition of the patient. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
P. Behavioral health patients may have visitors as long as the visit is conducive to the health and wellbeing of the patient. Visitors may not bring personal belongings or food into the patient's room. Any item approved for the patient will be checked by security or staff before being allowed in the room.
Q. Intensive Care Unit
1. Visitors are welcome in the Intensive Care Unit. Patients may have visitors of any age at any time of the day.
R. Perioperative/Procedural Areas
· One visitor at a time when patient care activities allow.
S. Correctional patients located in the hospital
· Refer to the policy entitled " Guidelines for Care of Patients Who are in the Custody of a Law Enforcement Agency, B1-30"
T. Resolving Disputes Regarding Visitation
· Should there be a concern regarding the visitation guidelines due to any unforeseen circumstance, caregiver will escalate the need to rectify the situation by involving house supervisor and immediate supervisor and follow chain of command.
A. Designar a una persona de apoyo que visitará al paciente
1. Petaluma Valley Hospital cumple con las órdenes de salud con respecto a las
2. Las visitas al hospital pueden limitarse según las recomendaciones del
3. Los pacientes tienen derecho a seleccionar a una persona principal de apoyo, definida como una persona importante para el paciente y elegida por el paciente, que le proporciona apoyo físico, psicológico o emocional durante su
4. Los pacientes tienen derecho a determinar quién puede o no visitarlos, y esto no se limita solamente a los miembros de la familia. Además, los pacientes pueden dar por terminada una visita, o negarse en cualquier momento a que ciertas personas los visiten. Cuando esto ocurra, esto debe comunicarse lo antes posible al equipo que lo atiende.
C. No se permiten visitantes en áreas restringidas (como las áreas perioperatorias y de procedimientos) sin estar acompañados por un empleado del hospital.
E. Los visitantes pueden estar sujetos a medidas de seguridad adicionales, como la inspección de su persona o sus pertenencias de forma visual o con una varilla de inspección, o pueden tener que pasar por un detector de metales.
1. Se alientan las visitas nocturnas de un miembro de la familia o la persona de apoyo.
N. Cuando un paciente está incapacitado o no puede comunicar sus deseos y:
1. Se presenta una Directiva Anticipada de Atención Médica que designa a una persona como la persona de apoyo del paciente, PVH hará lo siguiente:
2. Si no hay instrucciones anticipadas de atención médica disponibles y una persona afirma que él o ella es la persona de apoyo del paciente, PVH hará lo siguiente:
a. Aceptará esta afirmación sin exigir ninguna documentación.
Reglas para áreas específicas de pacientes hospitalizados y ambulatorios
O. Departamento de emergencias
1. Los visitantes son bienvenidos en el Departamento de Emergencias. Los pacientes pueden recibir a visitantes de cualquier edad y a cualquier hora del día.
2. Es preferible tener un máximo de dos visitantes por paciente a la vez. Se pueden restringir las visitas dependiendo del flujo de pacientes y el estado de salud del paciente. Se harán excepciones caso por caso.
P. Los pacientes de salud mental y del comportamiento pueden recibir visitas siempre y cuando la visita sea propicia para la salud y el bienestar del paciente. Los visitantes no pueden traer pertenencias personales ni comida a la habitación del paciente. Cualquier artículo aprobado para el paciente será revisado por el personal de Seguridad u otros miembros del personal antes de que se le permita ingresar a la habitación.
Q. Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos
1. Los visitantes son bienvenidos en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Los pacientes pueden recibir visitas de cualquier edad en cualquier momento del día.
2. Es preferible tener un máximo de dos visitantes por paciente a la vez. Se harán excepciones caso por caso, como en los casos en que la muerte sea inminente.
R. Áreas perioperatorias/Áreas de procedimientos
· Un visitante a la vez cuando las actividades de cuidados al paciente lo permitan.
S. Pacientes correccionales que están en el hospital
T. Resolución de disputas con respecto a las visitas
· En caso de que haya alguna inquietud con respecto a las reglas de visita debido a una circunstancia imprevista, el empleado le comunicará al supervisor del centro y al supervisor inmediato la necesidad de rectificar la situación y se seguirá la cadena de mando para resolver el caso.
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