Nonprofit to build 800 apartments for Seattle homeless

June 11, 2019


Plymouth Housing, a Seattle nonprofit that has created and operated supportive housing for homeless adults for nearly 40 years, has raised close to $50 million to expand its portfolio of homes for extremely low-income people. The significant early success of the campaign puts the longtime housing provider within striking distance of an ambitious goal, announced Tuesday, of raising $75 million for new construction through private donations.

Combined with money from the city, county, state and federal governments, the donations will help fund an aggressive timeline to build more housing. Plymouth representatives say they hope to spend $325 million on the construction of eight new buildings in and around Seattle. Five of those are scheduled to open within the next four years, a breakneck pace by housing standards.

Read more from Crosscut.

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Amazon, Microsoft and others give tens of millions for homeless housing

Amazon, Microsoft and others give tens of millions for homeless housing

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