Montana - Medicaid was such a blessing

September 5, 2018

Kathleen's story - Montana

Hi, I'm Kathleen from beautiful Western Montana, where I have a happy, busy life with wonderful family and friends. My husband and I are self-employed and have a modest but productive business. Last year we were in between jobs with little income when I suddenly and unexpectedly became very sick. We make enough to get by, and are prudent savers, but an emergency like this was beyond our capability to pay.

When we discovered we qualified for Medicaid, we realized it was an answer to our prayers. I truly believe that my life-threatening situation went as smoothly as it possibly could have. This was in no small part because we were able to focus on my healing rather than the mounting medical bills. Almost a year later, and after many procedures, surgeries, and several hospital stays, I am both debt and cancer free.

I am forever thankful to all the staff, nurses, and doctors at Providence Hospital for the outstanding care I received. Thanks for listening to my story of how Medicaid was such a blessing; I know it is one of many.

Medicaid matters.

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