Five ways breakfast improves your heart health

Even when you have good intentions, it’s hard to fit a healthy breakfast into the chaos of your morning routine. Instead you grab a quick cup of coffee as you head out to work and hope someone shared donuts in the breakroom. Sound familiar? You are not alone.

Research tells us that up to 30 percent of American adults don’t eat breakfast. And while that may mean quite a few people should reexamine their morning eating plan, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re hurting their heart health.

Or does it?

Here are five ways breakfast helps your heart stay healthy.

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Related Resources

Myth busters Video: You need to eat breakfast to lose weight

10 Tips for Becoming a Healthy Meal Prep Expert

American Heart Association statement

American College of Cardiology study

Breakfast Eating and Heart Disease in Men

About the Author

The Providence Heart & Vascular Team is committed to bringing you many years of expertise and experience to help you understand how to prevent, treat and recover from cardiovascular diseases and conditions. From tips to eating better to exercise and everything in between, our clinical experts know how to help you help your heart.

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