Medicaid: Myths vs. Facts

May 14, 2018 StoryStudio

There has been a lot of talk in Washington, D.C. about making sweeping changes to Medicaid. Some state legislatures are already changing coverage requirements and reducing funding.

Despite the attention, many Americans aren’t aware of the impact these changes would have on their friends, families and communities. Medicaid, a joint federal- and state-administered program, provides free or low-cost health coverage to about 74 million Americans—more than any other health insurance program in the country.

“Many people don’t realize the large number and variety of people receiving services through Medicaid-funded programs,” says Rhonda Medows, MD, executive vice president and chief population health officer for Providence St. Joseph Health. “They don’t realize their family, friends, coworkers and sometimes they themselves are already receiving care and services funded and managed by Medicaid.”

Did you know?
Medicaid is the single largest payer for mental health services in the United States. The Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services identified substance use disorder services as a priority for the next several years.


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