Time Capsule Buried at Hope Tower

May 21, 2024 Meredith Cunningham

On May 15, 2024, a time capsule was buried at Hope Tower at Covenant Medical Center. 

With the help of Covenant Health Chief Executive Walter Cathey, Lubbock Service Area Chief Executive Amy Thompson, and Covenant Health Board Members Travis Funk, Kim Turner, and Jessie Mendoza, eight items were buried inside the capsule to be opened 49 years from now.  

The inscription etched onto the stone, marking the time capsule in the public garden reads "As expressions of God's healing love, this time capsule is dedicated to the past, present, and future caregivers of Covenant Medical Center. To be opened September 2073. 

These items were included in the time capsule:

  • A bible with handwritten notes from current leaders of Covenant Health and Covenant Medical Center
  • A brick from the original Methodist Hospital women's center (the building torn down and replaced by Hope Tower) 
  • Blue prints for the construction of Hope Tower
  • A journal with messages for the future from current Covenant Health caregivers
  • Vials of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine 
  • A caregiver t-shirt showing our partnership as the official hospital of Texas Tech Athletics 
  • A photo album filled with pictures of Covenant Medical Center caregivers and patients 
  • The book Faith & Healing: Celebrating Covenant Health's Century of Caring  

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