The Providence COVID Home Monitoring program continues to keep COVID positive patients safe at home. On August 12, the Institutional Review Board approved the Evaluation of COVID Home Monitoring Program. The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Providence COVID-19 telehealth programs and their impact on patient outcomes and healthcare use and costs. Learnings from this study will be used to develop better models of remote support and to scale and spread the program. This study is funded by the PRSJ Foundation. This project will analyze data from medical records and other sources to assess effectiveness of these telehealth interventions.
As of September 8, COVID Home Monitoring patients are being recruited for a randomized clinical trial of zinc and resveratrol vs. placebo for the treatment of COVID-19. Swedish physicians leading the study are partnering with COVID Home Monitoring you for those patients on the study for whom telehealth has been recommended. If successful, this treatment would provide a universally available, inexpensive therapy for COVID-19.
Since program inception, more than 9500 positive or presumptive positive COVID-19 patients are being helped with the COVID Home Monitoring solution across five states and 70+ enrollment locations. This helps us keep patients safe while reducing additional stress on hospitals, emergency rooms, and front-line health care teams. Additionally, this program helps to conserve personal protective equipment for caregivers and ensures hospital beds are available for patients who can't be cared for at home. Learn more about COVID Home Monitoring.
Contact: Sherene Schlegel, Executive Director of Clinical Operations, to learn more.