Providence and local emergency rooms have a unified message as the COVID surge escalates: Help us help you.
We need our ERs to take care of those with emergency and critical health needs – not vaccinations or COVID tests.
If you need immediate help, call 9-1-1. For all other care, get the right care at the right time. COVID testing, COVID vaccination and other more minor health needs don’t belong in the ER.
1. Get vaccinated.
Vaccines protect you, and others, from hospitalization, severe infection and death.
Find a COVID-19 vaccine near you: www.vaccines.gov.
2. Avoid ER for testing.
Do not go to a hospital or emergency room for a COVID-19 test.
If you have symptoms or been exposed to COVID, call your doctor, pharmacy or local health department for testing locations.
Find a testing site near you: https://my.castlighthealth.com/corona-virus-testing-sites/
3. Get right care at right time.
Use virtual visits for minor ailments.
Seek urgent care for illness or injury that is not an emergency.
Call 9-1-1 for emergencies.
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