Introduction to Reflections

Welcome to Providence where faith leads our way!

At Providence, we feel that good health means care of body, mind and spirit.

As you begin your journey with us, you’ll notice that reflections are offered at the start of each meeting, as well as during our formal gatherings. These reflections can be a story, a quote, a prayer from any tradition, or even an inspirational video or song. We encourage creativity!

Reflections serve as an invitation to pause and pay attention to our spirits and allow our hearts and minds to catch up with our bodies as we move from one activity to another during our busy day. The intent of this little booklet is to provide you with a few examples of reflections as you begin your journey with us.

We hope the reflection booklet you received as part of the welcome package will inspire you to care for yourself and your teams, encouraging you to center through reflection. You are so much more valuable than the skills you bring to our ministry!



Sister Nancy Jurecki, OP
Chief Mission Officer
Providence Southern California


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