CORE: Our Partners - 2023

July 17, 2024

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CORE’s work is generously funded and conducted in partnership with our cross-sector partners, including foundations, government agencies, ACHs, CCOs, health systems and more. Examples of our 2023 partners and funders include:

  • Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ)
  • Amgen
  • Better Health Together
  • Bridges to Change
  • CareOregon
  • Center for the Study of Social Policy
  • Central City Concern
  • Clatsop Child Care
  • Coalicion Fortaleza
  • Feed'em Freedom Foundation
  • Growing Gardens
  • Health Share of Oregon
  • Hearst Foundation
  • Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization (IRCO)
  • Jack Coleman Communications
  • Jackson Care Connect
  • Jackson County Mobile Crises Response
  • Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC)
  • Maslow Project
  • MDRC
  • MEF Associates
  • Merck
  • Mid-Columbia Community Action Council
  • Northwest Regional Child Care Resource & Referral
  • Oasis Center of the Rogue Valley
  • Oregon Health & Science University
  • Oregon Health Authority
  • Oregon Patient Safety Committee
  • Pfizer
  • Pixel37 Design
  • Portland State University
  • Preparedness & Treatment Equity Coalition (PTEC)
  • Project Access Now
  • Providence Center for Cardiovascular Analytics, Research + Data Science (CARDS)
  • Providence Community Health Investment
  • Providence Genomics
  • Providence Health Research Accelerator
  • Providence Medford Community Health Foundation
  • Providence Medical Foundation
  • Providence Mental Health Strategy Team
  • Providence Milwaukie Foundation
  • Providence Milwaukie Hospital - Community Teaching Kitchen
  • Providence St. Vincent Medical Foundation
  • Restoration House
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • Rockwood Community Development Corporation
  • Rose Haven
  • Scan Foundation
  • Southwest Washington Accountable Community of Health (SWACH)
  • The California Endowment
  • The Patrick & Catherine Weldon Donaghue Medical Research Foundation
  • The William E. & Thelma F. Housman Foundation for Medical Research
  • Todos Juntos
  • Truveta
  • U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
  • Uncommon Solutions
  • United Way of Jackson County
  • Vancouver Housing Authority
  • Washington State Department of Health

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CORE peer evidence & reports
CORE peer evidence & reports

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