How to Choose a Primary Care Doctor

November 8, 2017

You’re feeling good, you’re healthy, and you’re very, very busy. Do you really need a primary care physician? The short answer is, “Yes, you do.” Believe it or not building a long-term, ongoing relationship with a Primary Care Physician can offer a better understanding of whole body care and provide more personalized care during times of illness or injury. Model and actress Jasmine Dustin sat down with Dr. Stanely Hubbard, family medicine physician at the new Providence Saint John’s Playa Vista Office, to discuss exactly why everyone should have a primary care physician and what to look for when selecting one. They also discuss how Providence Saint John’s is bringing excellent and compassionate care to the Playa Vista community.

Providence Saint John’s has a team of board-certified physicians, who provide expert, personalized, compassionate care for you and your family in the Playa Vista community. In a state-of-the art, 33,000 square foot medical office, it is our commitment to support the health of the community; offering quality and comprehensive care throughout every stage of life.

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