Resources to help you stay grounded

September 21, 2020 Providence Mental Health Team


Let’s be clear, it’s challenging to stay above all the negative energy in the world right now. As difficult as it may seem, support abounds. Whether it’s a family member, a neighbor or even a complete stranger, there are people and resources out there to help you cope and even thrive during these uncertain times.

If you or a loved one is impacted by the West Coast wildfires, or a family member continues to struggle with living in a socially distanced culture, we want to help you cope and manage your stress. Now more than ever, it's important to find some harmony in our lives. 

In an effort to ease your way in finding help, we’ve compiled reference sources that we hope provide outlets and guidance to keep your mind, body and soul healthy.

Non-traditional care resources

Mental health assessments


Mobile apps for managing anxiety and depression

Exercise & Fitness


Family fitness

Good Housekeeping curated a good list of more than 20 YouTube workout channels that are free.

Virtual and telehealth resources offered by Providence

Mental and physical resources from the CDC

We hope you find some inspiration from the resources above. We will be updating this list periodically, so if you find this information helpful we encourage you to bookmark this article.

Stay safe. Stay mindful. Stay well.

About the Author

Whether it's stress, anxiety, dementia, addiction or any number of life events that impede our ability to function, mental health is a topic that impacts nearly everyone. The Providence Mental Health Team is committed to offering every-day tips and clinical advice to help you and your loved ones navigate mental health conditions.

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