Overstimulation and anxiety: Causes and solutions
Discover how overstimulation leads to anxiety and learn effective strategies to manage sensory overload from Providence. Includes tips for those with ADHD.
Tips for coping with holiday stress
Does the thought of the holidays fill you with dread? A Providence social worker gives you tips on how to decrease the stress.
Understanding seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Don’t get SAD. An expert at Providence answers common questions to help you understand seasonal affective disorder.
Top tips to prevent bullying in schools
Worried about bullying at school? Learn actionable tips from Providence to prevent and stop bullying.
Supporting loved ones through the loss of a child
The death of a child is devastating. Providence experts have advice on how you can support grieving parents.
Understanding PTSD: A guide to support and care
Licensed therapists at Providence explore signs, symptoms and ways to support someone with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Anxiety is real — learn what it is and how to cope
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States. We take a look at what anxiety is, and how to take steps to live with anxiety.
Mental health help is just a mouse-click away
The Work2BeWell National Student Advisory Council has created an easy-to-use, state-by-state mental health resource.
Addressing mental health disparities
Minority groups can face challenges when seeking mental health care.
Am I a Cyberchondriac?
Cyberchondria is when a person uses the internet excessively to research health symptoms or conditions, leading to increased anxiety and stress.
The importance of sleep and its connection to mental health
Sleep affects every part of our well-being, including our mental health. Learn more from our clinical psychologist and find ways to get the rest you need.
How do you know if you are in a toxic relationship?
A toxic relationship can lead to domestic violence. Learn from a Providence licensed marriage and family therapist how to spot the signs
Preventing suicide and breaking the stigma behind it
Understand stigmas about suicide and find mental health and suicide prevention resources from a Providence clinical psychologist.
Woman who hears voices shares experiences on podcast
Caroline Mazel-Carlton, an outspoken advocate for those with mental illness, speaks on the Hear Me Now Podcast about what it’s like to hear voices.
The power of self-talk: Cat Zingano's 7 tips to deal with high-pressure moments
Bellator fighter, Cat Zingano, shares 7 tips on how to handle high-pressure situations.
Understanding post-traumatic stress disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs after traumatic events and circumstances. Learn how to recognize its signs and strategies that help you cope.
5 tips for managing anxiety as mask mandates end
The end of mask mandates may have you feeling anxious. Here are five ways you can help ease anxiety about the loosening of COVID-19 restrictions.
Protecting your mental health from global stresses
Providence Chief Executive of Behavior Health Robin Henderson shares how to protect your mental health in the face of global problems.
Students celebrate progress in advocating for mental health
Students gathered for the annual Work2BeWell Teen Mental Health Summit, featuring initiatives they started in schools and a keynote by Haley Hardcastle.
Is your teen getting enough sleep? How parents can help.
Teens need 8-10 hours of sleep but most aren’t getting it. Discover the impact lack of sleep can have on mental well-being and emotional health.
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