Everyone counts for the 2020 census

March 12, 2020 Providence News Team


Every 10 years, the Census counts the population of America. By participating, we have an opportunity to help shape the future of our communities and our country. Census data is used to establish profiles of communities across the U.S., which in turn are used for multiple purposes such as planning health care, social services, and education. Many organizations, including Providence, rely on the data to identify ways to better serve their communities with needed programs. Here’s a short video about the Census.

As the census is your chance to influence change within your community, now is a good time to get a refresher on the census questionnaire. Questions relating to the number of people residing in a home, type of residence, and demographics questions about race, age and gender, provide a rich understanding of the inhabitants in any given community. Here’s a link to the questions you can expect in the 2020 census.

What’s new

Completing the Census is easier than ever. In 2020, you have three options:

1.Complete the census online

2.Complete the census over the phone

3.Complete the census by mail

You can learn more about your submission options from the U.S. Census Ways to Respond website, or by watching this video.

What to expect

Beginning in mid-March, households across America will receive an invitation in the mail to participate in the census. Mailers will go out to over 13 million Americans in both English and Spanish, and the survey will be available in 59 non-English languages. Click here to see the full list of available languages.

Below is a list of important dates relating to how the 2020 census will work:

  • Mid-March: Households receive an official Census Bureau invitation to complete the census online, by phone or by mail.
  • Mid-to-late March: The online survey will open.
  • April 1: It’s Census Day!
  • Mid-April: A paper questionnaire is mailed to everyone who has not responded.
  • May-July: Census takers visit homes that haven’t responded.

In addition to individuals and households, the government also has a strategy to count people experiencing homelessness and people who live among large groups, such as college students and seniors living in assisted housing. Click here to see the entire timeline to complete the 2020 census.

As a trusted Census partner, Providence encourages every person to complete the Census survey. Together, we can help shape the future health and well-being of our communities.

About the Author

The Providence News Team brings you the updates to keep you informed about what's happening across the organizational ecosystem. From partnerships to new doctor announcements, we are committed to keeping you informed.

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