Improving patient care through robotic automation

Providence Saint John’s Health Center is excited to implement Moxi, our new state-of-the-art collaborative robot. Caregivers are now able to call on Moxi robots to help with fetching supplies, delivering lab samples, picking up medicines from the pharmacy and other tasks that improve overall clinical flows and efficiency.

With two Moxi robots deployed at Saint John’s, caregivers will experience additional support, enabling them to focus on their primary role: patient care.  

What is Moxi?  
Moxi represents the next frontier in hospital assistance. Developed by Diligent Robotics, Moxi is an innovative robot tool designed to collaborate seamlessly with health care professionals. Equipped with advanced machine learning capabilities and an array of sensors, Moxi navigates hospital environments autonomously, even handling doors requiring badge access.  

The next time you visit Providence Saint John’s Health Center, keep an eye out for Moxi roaming the halls. Moxi will be busy working alongside our caregivers, allowing them to spend less time running errands and more time with patients. 

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World’s first spine surgery performed at Providence St. Joseph Hospital using eCential Robotics’ open spine robot
World’s first spine surgery performed at Providence St. Joseph Hospital using eCential Robotics’ open spine robot

World's first spine surgery performed at Providence St. Joseph Hospital Orange.