Providence celebrates the sixth anniversary of Laudato Si

May 24, 2021 Daneen Calvin

By Daneen Calvin, Chief Mission Officer, Population Health


Six years ago, Pope Francis wrote an encyclical – Laudato Si’ – as a global call to care for our common home, earth. He warned us of the impact of consumerism and irresponsible development. He warned of environmental degradation and global warming, calling all people around the world to take “swift and unified global action.” Providence has taken action as our commitment to environmental stewardship and justice is anchored in our mission and core values.

There are elements of mystery in our human experience so we look to the wisdom of our human sciences and traditions for understanding and situating ourselves as residents of Earth.

There are elements of mystery in our human experience – things about our existence that are not immediately known or knowable to us, so we look to the wisdom of our human sciences and traditions for understanding and situating ourselves as residents of Earth.

In the Catholic tradition of our founding Sisters, we are driven by a faith that we are here to be caretakers of Earth. We believe in the common good and building communities that are in harmony with the abundance of resources we have across the globe.

Environmental conservation as inextricably linked to the Providence Mission. We take ethical responsibility for the environment with respect to our own operations and the communities we serve.

At Providence, our core value of justice compels us to fight for and protect our planet.

Our core value of justice is not just a human construct. It’s a construct for all living things…it’s a construct that compels us to fight for and protect our planet. When earth is threatened by human activities such as environmental exploitation, rampant over-production and consumption, unjust resource allocation and physical location of pollution sources near neighborhoods and communities, WE ACT.

At Providence, we’re called to stand up and speak out against those individuals or entities who seek to exploit or harm others or the environment. We believe in Health for a Better World and addressing the realities of climate change is a foundational element for realizing a future where quality care is accessible and affordable for all.

There is no quick fix to addressing the vastness of evolving climate challenges, but with a unified belief in our collective ability to affect change there is hope for a healthier and safer future for the human race.

Learn more about Providence’s efforts to protect the environment


About the Author

Daneen Calvin

Daneen Calvin serves as Chief Mission Officer for Population Health Management within Providence, one of the largest nonprofit health systems in the United States. Daneen is responsible for ensuring that the Providence Mission remains central in Population Health business strategies. She’s accountable for mission integration, ethics, spiritual care, social justice as well as formation and reflection activities. A seasoned ministry leader for 20 years, Daneen offers a unique combination of skills and experiences that bring innovative perspectives and creative energy to animating the Providence Mission.

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