Providence Montana - HealthBreak - CT at St. Joseph
Providence Montana - HealthBreak - CT at St. Joseph CT, or Computed Tomography, is diagnostic imaging using a combination of of x-rays and computer technology. It’s a vital tool in diagnosing injuries and illnesses. Technologist Ben Reddish talks about the many ways CT is used and how it’s benefitting patients at Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Polson. Ben Reddish, RT(R)(CT) CT Technologist Providence (406) 327-1700 HealthBreak®© 2025, MBC Media®© 2025 Saint Patrick Hospital, Providence Saint Patrick Hospital, Providence Montana, HealthBreak® ©2025, Medical News, MBC Media® ©2025, CT at St. Joseph, Computed Tomography, Ben Reddish CT Technologist, diagnosing injuries, Providence St. Joseph Medical Center in Polson Montana