Changes to Providence clinician newsletters

September 26, 2023 Providence Pulse Content Team

The publication schedule for Providence Oregon’s two clinician newsletters, Pulse and InScope, will be altered starting October 2023.

This September 2023 newsletter will be the final issue of Pulse, and InScope will be on hiatus until early 2024 when publication resumes.

The change is due to overlap between the two newsletter audiences. By focusing solely on InScope, the Providence Clinical Network communications team in Oregon will be able to reach both newsletter audiences. Providence is committed to communicating effectively with our clinicians, and we will continue to provide local articles and topics in InScope starting in early 2024.

Thank you to the many Providence Oregon clinicians who authored Pulse topics over the years; we greatly appreciate your expertise and time. Thank you to Pulse readers, and we look forward to serving you via InScope.

About the Author

The Pulse content team focuses on bringing you the latest in clinical news from our world-class medical providers and physician leaders.

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