Your health is our top priority.

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Portland, Ore. - After months of negotiations, caregivers represented by Oregon Nurses Association at Providence Portland Medical Center, Providence Seaside Hospital, Providence Home Health and Providence Hospice have chosen to go on strike from Monday, June 19 through Friday, June 23.

This action comes despite strong contract proposals from Providence’s bargaining teams. For example, an average nurse’s base annual salary at Providence Portland and Providence Seaside currently exceeds $100,000. Contract proposals at those two facilities included double-digit percentage increases in the first year and up to $2,500 in bonuses, as well as other significant benefit enhancements.

While we’re confident in our ability to provide critical services during the strike, it will not be business as usual. If you are critically ill, come to us for care. Otherwise, please seek care elsewhere during the strike. Our emergency departments will be open, but you might experience longer wait times than usual. We apologize that other services might be limited or closed during the strike. For up-to-date information, please visit

Following the strike, Providence’s teams will resume bargaining in good faith with the union to achieve our shared goal of reaching sustainable contracts with the competitive pay and benefits needed to retain and attract the best and most talented caregivers while our facilities continue to meet our shared Mission to serve all, especially those who are poor and vulnerable.

Related news: 

Providence prepares for nurse strike after offering $35 million first-year package in contract negotiations.

Su salud: nuestra máxima prioridad.

Tras meses de negociaciones, los cuidadores representados por la asociación de enfermeras de Oregon (ONA) de Portland Medical Center, Providence Seaside Hospital, y Providence Home Health & Providence Hospice han decidido ponerse en huelga desde el lunes 19 de junio al viernes 23 de junio.

Dicha acción llega pese a fuertes propuestas contractuales de parte de los equipos de negociación de Providence. Por ejemplo, el salario base anual promedio de una enfermera de Providence Portland y Providence Seaside actualmente sobrepasa los $100,000. Las propuestas de contrato en estos dos centros incluyen un aumento de porcentaje de dos cifras para el primer año y hasta $2,500 en bonifaciones, así como otras considerables mejoras de prestaciones.

Si bien confiamos en nuestra capacidad de brindar servicios críticos durante la huelga, no será, claro, como de costumbre. Si se encuentra muy grave, sí, acuda a nosotros para atenderle. De otra manera, por favor busque ayuda en otro lugar mientras dure la huelga. Nuestras salas de urgencias (Emergency) estarán abiertas pero tal vez sea más el tiempo de espera que lo normal. Discúlpenos el hecho de que otros servicios quizá se vean limitados durante la huelga. Para mantenerse informado y al día, visite:

Terminada la huelga, los equipos de Providence reanudarán negociaciones de buena fe con el sindicato / unión a fin de lograr una meta en común: formular contratos competitivos y prestaciones sostenibles que atraigan y retengan los cuidadores más talentosos y competentes en nuestros centros médicos mientras seguimos cumpliendo con nuestra misión compartida de servir a todos, especialmente los pobres y vulnerables.

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3 things to know about getting care during the ONA strikes: Monday, June 19
3 things to know about getting care during the ONA strikes: Monday, June 19

Here’s what to know about getting care at Providence Portland Medical Center and Providence Seaside Hospita...

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Providence prepares for nurse strike after offering $35 million first-year package in contract negotiations.
Providence prepares for nurse strike after offering $35 million first-year package in contract negotiations.

Providence prepares for nurse strike after offering $35 million first-year package in contract negotiations.