Providence joins Rome Call for AI Ethics

April 10, 2024 Providence News Team

Providence becomes first health system to join international endorsement of ethical use of AI.

RENTON, Wash., April 10, 2024 – Providence, a not-for-profit health system serving the Western U.S., further advanced its commitment to ethical and responsible AI adoption earlier this year by becoming the first health system in the U.S. to sign the Rome Call for AI Ethics. The Rome Call intends to promote an ethical approach to artificial intelligence through a sense of shared responsibility among international organizations, governments, institutions and the private sector.

As the first U.S. health care system to join the Rome Call, Providence pledges to uphold six commitments in relation to AI ethics, including: transparency, inclusion, responsibility, impartiality, reliability and security and privacy. This will be expressed in applying discernment practices, integrating ethical guidelines, providing ethics consultations, establishing a dedicated subcommittee and continuing research.

“Wherever AI is in our organization, there should be a thumbprint of the Rome Call,” said Nick Kockler, Providence vice president of system ethics services. “As a signatory, Providence is making a public declaration of our commitment to the Rome Call principles. I would encourage other health care organizations to demonstrate ethical use of AI by joining us in this effort to contribute to the common good of all.”

In addition to expressing a commitment to advance AI ethics in alignment with its Mission of serving all, especially those who are poor and vulnerable, Providence’s reasons for joining include contribution to the common good, promotion of fairness and equity, and enhanced transparency and accountability.

The document was signed by Providence’s president and CEO, board chairperson, and sponsors council chairperson.

Along with its involvement with the Rome Call, Providence also recently announced its participation in the Trustworthy & Responsible AI Network (TRAIN) and as a founding member of the Coalition for Health AI (CHAI) — joining some of the nation’s top health systems and tech companies to help design guardrails needed to responsibly deploy AI in ways that keep patient and caregiver well-being at the center of focus at all times.

Providence additionally is engaged in ethical use of AI through the establishment of an internal AI governance structure that includes a Data Ethics Council that develops ethical guidelines and conducts research and scholarship in the field.   

Signatories of the Rome Call include the Pontifical Academy for Life, Microsoft, IBM, FAO and the Ministry of Innovation, a part of the Italian Government in Rome. Together, the signatories of the Rome Call for AI Ethics demonstrate an effort to create a future in which digital innovation and technological progress grant mankind its centrality.

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