A Passion to Care - Franklin's Story

April 7, 2023 Providence News Team

A Passion to Care by Mary Lynn Merriman

Early in 2023, Bill and Lucy Luginbill found themselves spending time at Kadlec Regional Medical Center. Bill was experiencing serious health issues which took them first to Kadlec’s Emergency Room, and then he was admitted into the hospital for additional treatment.

“His room was on the 7th floor,” said Lucy, “and I thought I was in hospital heaven. It is so lovely. The room was so large, spacious, and just beautifully appointed.”

While they appreciated the comfort of the room, it was how they were treated that was most outstanding. 

“We were immediately taken care of; all the nurses were very attentive,” she said.

One nurse in particular made a significant impact.

“During Bill’s stay, Franklin (Guillen-Alvarez) was just like this angel that appeared,” Lucy said. “He is such a bright light. He comes into the room and just exudes kindness. It really is healing to have someone care for you like that.”

 According to Lucy, Franklin and Bill had an instant connection.

“Franklin was interested in Bill and saw him as a person. It wasn’t long before he and Bill got into a conversation. Franklin wanted to know about Bill and, of course, Bill was happy to share. He taught school for 36 years and had some stories to tell,” she said. 

As Bill opened up, so did Franklin. As Franklin’s story unfolded throughout Bill’s stay at Kadlec, it became clear that Franklin’s life journey continues to impact how he sees people and cares for his patients.

It’s a story, said Lucy, worth sharing.

Read the full article here.

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