Solving One of Men's Most Common Health Issues: Successful New Treatment for Enlarged Prostate

January 16, 2017 Alan Weinberg, MD, FACS


Difficulty urinating. A sudden, overwhelming need to find a bathroom. Frequent nighttime trips to the toilet. It’s a list of symptoms that men with an enlarged prostate are all-too-familiar with — symptoms that limited and significantly impacted George Jacob’s life.

For the active 69-year-old La Habra resident, not knowing when driving to the grocery store might end in an embarrassing accident was intolerable. “Between not being able to sleep well at night and worrying about what might happen when you go somewhere, the symptoms take too much away from your life,” explains the retired warehouse manager, who spent years taking medications to resolve his symptoms without success.

Then, Alan Weinberg, MD, FACS, a board-certified urologist at St. Jude Medical Center, suggested a simple new outpatient procedure called UroLift. The day after the 20-minute procedure, George’s symptoms were gone. “The recovery was incredible,” the grandfather of two explains. “The improvement in my quality of life was immediate.”

Urologists at St. Jude Medical Center are among the first in the region to offer UroLift, a minimally-invasive treatment to correct one of the most common issues men face with aging: low or blocked urine flow due to an enlarged prostate. By pulling back the prostate tissue that is pressing on the urethra with tiny permanent stents (much like curtain tie-backs), UroLift offers a highly effective solution that avoids the side effects of other treatment options and preserves sexual function.

More than half of all men in their 60s and as many as 90 percent of men in their 70s and 80s have symptoms of an enlarged prostate — also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) — which often includes frequent urination with hesitant or interrupted stream as well as urinary urgency or leaking.

“For men who want to avoid surgery or a lifetime of medications, UroLift is an important breakthrough,” explains Dr. Weinberg, who hopes it encourages more men to discuss their symptoms with a doctor.

“Men often blame urinary problems on aging and don’t seek help, while others consider treatment, but reject it out of concern over side effects such as sexual dysfunction or incontinence,” the highly respected specialist in urinary and prostate issues explains. “UroLift offers a safe and successful solution, minus the side effects.”

Now able to travel without fear of an accident or other symptoms, George and his wife recently got back from an 11-day trip to Norway — a trip that wouldn’t have been possible before. “Being able to once again make plans and do things without any apprehension or concern is a wonderful gift,” he explains. 

This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical care. Always follow your health care professional's instructions.


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