Providence heart transplant program receives CMS certification

Author: Dan Oseran, M.D., executive medical director, Providence Heart Institute

Providence Heart Institute is pleased to announce that it has received certification from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

The certification comes following a rigorous five-day review of the program by Oregon Health Authority. The review looked at the outcomes of 15 heart transplants performed at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center during the past 11 months, as well as infrastructure and care throughout the hospital.

Speaking on behalf of our heart transplant team and the entire Providence Heart Failure Program, we couldn’t be more pleased with the decision. The auditors said our program is very strong, and they found no infractions. This is a reflection of our team’s commitment to deliver safe and reliable care for these vulnerable patients.

Certification qualifications

Heart transplant programs must perform 10 transplants before they can apply for CMS certification, which is critical for reimbursement as many patients are government insured.

Providence Heart Institute announced its intent to start a transplant program in March 2019 after about 400 heart failure patients who previously received care at OHSU transferred their care to Providence. Providence Heart Institute performed its first transplant in July 2020.

Providence Heart Institute

Known across the United States and internationally, Providence Heart Institute treats more than 300,000 patients each year, including more than 13,000 heart failure patient visits.

Providence Heart Institute consists of more than 100 highly skilled clinicians who provide world-class care that includes the latest advances in diagnosis, treatment and cardiac surgery. Through clinical research trials, patients also have access to many new therapies before they become widely available. Our wellness and prevention programs help prevent heart disease and empower patients to become their healthiest selves.

For more information:

  • To refer a patient to the Heart Failure Program: 503-216-1182
  • For provider resources including referral information, care resources and a link to download the Providence Heart Now app for access to our specialists:


About the Author

The inScope content team focuses on bringing you the latest in clinical news from our team of world-class medical providers and physician leaders.

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