My Views
Rod Hochman - My Views
Hurricane Dorian
We hold everyone affected by this storm close in our hearts. We also offer our support in the form of matching donations to the American Red Cross and Catholic Relief Services up to $100,000.
Shootings: We can't be complacent
PSJH recommits to speaking up and taking action to reduce deaths from gun violence. Our Mission calls us to be a steadfast source of hope and healing in the world.
Responding to the call at U.S. Southern border
Our caregivers are serving at the Humanitarian Respite Center in McAllen, Texas where refugees are being taken in droves. PSJH offers matching contributions up to $100,000 for Catholic Charities.
Microsoft and Providence St. Joseph Health forge strategic alliance
Together, we'll accelerate the future of care delivery.
The power of love in action: Our latest community benefit report
Thank you to our caregivers and community partners for responding to the call to serve with love. Last year, we provided $1.6 billion in free and uncompensated care and other community programs.
Homelessness: Our $15 million investment in affordable housing for the poor and vulnerable
This gift will go toward the development of three apartment complexes for low-income seniors and veterans including Seattle’s first affordable high rise in 50 years.
Grateful for our nurses
Nurses have made a difference in my life, my family's life and everyone we serve. I am humbled and inspired by the sacred work they do day in, day out.
Celebrating our founders on International Women's Day
Founded by empowered women, PSJH continues to empower women today. Our founders never gave up on the dream of a more balanced, equal and loving world and neither will we.
Back from Guatemala ... for now
Providence St. Joseph Health is kicking off a new four-year plan with Medical Teams International to reduce infant mortality in the Central Highlands of Guatemala.
Coming together to end the measles outbreak
Washington state has the highest number of reported measles infections since 1996. It will take all of us coming together to fight this dangerous outbreak.
Supporting federal workers
PSJH is offering federal workers a grace period on out-of-pocket medical costs, suspending collections and encouraging our caregivers to sign up for food drives and other service activities.
Predictions: 2019 will be "the year of coalitions in health care"
What key industry trends will define health care in 2019? Here are our top 10 New Year's predictions.
It's time to redouble efforts to prevent suicide and addiction-related deaths
Providence St. Joseph Health and Well Being Trust respond to the nation's mental health and opioid crisis, which is responsible for an alarming 117,000 deaths annually.
Chicago shooting reminds us we can't be complacent about hospital violence
Our hearts go out to our colleagues at Mercy Hospital in Chicago. The recent tragedy remind us we can't be complacent about workplace violence in the health care setting.
Protecting the health of legal immigrants
A new U.S. immigration policy could jeopardize the health of legal immigrants and our communities at large. The Department of Homeland Security is now accepting public comment.
PSJH offers matching contributions for hurricane relief
To support Hurricane Florence relief efforts, Providence St. Joseph Health will match caregiver contributions to the American Red Cross dollar for dollar up to $100,000.
6 ways PSJH is organizing for the future
Our vision - health for a better world - is driven by a belief that health is a human right. That's why we're innovating to increase access for all and responding to the call to operate in new ways.
PSJH joins Pearl Jam to end homelessness
As part of the Pearl Jam campaign to end homelessness in Seattle, PSJH is supporting a modular shelter project that will accommodate 72 people per night, helping those in unauthorized encampments.
Celebrating two years as PSJH
This month marks our second anniversary as Providence St. Joseph Health, and we have much to celebrate. We'll also continue to evolve with the times and lead with our values in these six ways.
Our statement on recent immigration issues
Compelled by our values of compassion, dignity and justice, PSJH is a voice for children separated from their families at the border, as well as our caregivers affected by the federal travel ban.
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