Providence Women's Health Team

The Providence Women's Health team is committed to providing useful and actionable insights, tips and advice to ensure women of all types can live their healthiest lives.

  • What you need to know: All the feelings during the postpartum period

    What you need to know: All the feelings during the postpartum period

    Feeling a wide range of emotions is a normal part of the postpartum period. Learn how to cope with these life and hormone changes in a positive way.

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  • Providence’s Better Birthing Project honors tribal cultures

    Providence’s Better Birthing Project honors tribal cultures

    The Better Birthing Project honors tribal cultures by using native doulas, creating birth plans that respect traditions, and ensuring follow-up care.

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  • Your culture and your pregnancy: 5 tips for advocating for your ideal experience

    Your culture and your pregnancy: 5 tips for advocating for your ideal experience

    Your culture plays an important role in shaping your pregnancy experience. Here are five tips for voicing your cultural preferences during your pregnancy and delivery.

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  • How midwives help parents have healthy deliveries

    How midwives help parents have healthy deliveries

    When you’re pregnant, it can be difficult to keep all the different roles straight — midwife, doula or obstetrician. Here’s how to tell them apart.

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  • Providing support for Black mothers beyond the traditional “healthy mom, healthy baby” approach

    Providing support for Black mothers beyond the traditional “healthy mom, healthy baby” approach

    At Providence, we recognize the importance of providing holistic care and comprehensive prenatal, labor and delivery, and postpartum support for Black birthing parents and babies.

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  • Endometriosis: Separating truths from misconceptions

    Endometriosis: Separating truths from misconceptions

    Learn the truth about endometriosis, including the symptoms, treatments and more in this comprehensive guide from Providence.

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  • Providence midwives offer more than pregnancy support

    Providence midwives offer more than pregnancy support

    Did you know? Midwives not only offer support during pregnancy but also throughout all stages of women’s health.

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  • Healthy mom, healthy baby: Supporting new moms and babies on their breastfeeding journey

    Healthy mom, healthy baby: Supporting new moms and babies on their breastfeeding journey

    Many parents choose to breastfeed their children, and Providence is proud to support these families as we celebrate National Breastfeeding Month together.

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  • “Trusting their experience brought me comfort"

    “Trusting their experience brought me comfort"

    Grateful mother reflects on compassionate care through the years at Providence

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  • The mind-gut connection and how to improve it

    The mind-gut connection and how to improve it

    The mind-gut connection and how to improve it

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  • The female face of caregiving

    The female face of caregiving

    The female face of caregiving

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  • Comprehensive guide to women’s health

    Comprehensive guide to women’s health

    Explore our in-depth guide on why women's health care needs differ, including heart health, pregnancy, pelvic health and more

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  • Understanding female sexual dysfunction

    Understanding female sexual dysfunction

    A women’s health expert at Providence talks about the importance of good sexual health and answers common questions about female sexual dysfunction.

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  • Endometriosis: When pain is more than just a ‘bad period’

    Endometriosis: When pain is more than just a ‘bad period’

    We take a look at the most common signs of endometriosis and how your doctor can help eliminate the pain through medications or surgery.

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  • Recurrent vaginal infections

    Recurrent vaginal infections

    A women’s health expert explains vaginal infections and shares tips to help recognize this common condition experienced by one-third of all women.

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  • Start the new year with an HPV vaccination

    Start the new year with an HPV vaccination

    During Cervical Health Awareness Month, take charge of your cervical health with testing and vaccination aimed at preventing cervical cancer.

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  • Give yourself the gift of mental wellness

    Give yourself the gift of mental wellness

    A women’s health expert at Providence talks about mental health and giving yourself the gift of mental wellness this holiday season.

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  • What women need to know about hormones and mental health

    What women need to know about hormones and mental health

    Reproductive hormones do more than regulate cycles, and support fertility and pregnancy. They also play a big role in your mood.

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  • Abnormal mammogram? It’s probably not a cause for concern.

    Abnormal mammogram? It’s probably not a cause for concern.

    There are many reasons why you may need a follow-up mammogram – and most of them aren’t caused by cancer.

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  • Women’s health: Everything you need to know

    Women’s health: Everything you need to know

    We show you how to stay healthy at every age, providing specific information on working with your primary care provider and heart and bone health.

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