As we continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, the health and safety of our
caregivers, patients and communities continues to be our number one priority. We are
catching up on surgical and procedural cases that were delayed during the government
shutdown of non-emergency surgeries and procedures. Thankfully, our emergency
departments are fully operational and able to safely care for patients.
It is a long road ahead, and we will need to dig deep, however, with the unwavering dedication
of our caregivers, physicians and community to our mission, Providence Little Company of
Mar y is as strong and vital as ever.
Our senior leadership team is laser-focused on the needs of today and concurrently
envisioning the needs of tomorrow. There are a lot of unknowns: the long-term impact of
the pandemic; how our countr y delivers health care; and how our economy is structured. All
will require imagination, vision and transformation to address these issues and adjust to the
unknown. Adapt we will—just as our founding Sisters did before us—and as we are doing now.
I am a firm believer that if we all pay close attention to the lessons we are learning through
these unprecedented times—if we have the humbleness to learn from our mistakes and the
confidence that we can improve—then we can plan our future in a way that will benefit our
communities. We will be more organized, just, resilient and compassionate. This is not a
certain outcome. It will depend on us making wise decisions, educated by the best scientific
evidence and governed by our most cherished values. This is the challenge that lies ahead. It
is the challenge to which Providence Little Company of Mar y is called and committed.
Garr y Olney, Chief Executive
Providence Little Company of Mar y
Medical Centers San Pedro and Torrance
Meet Your Leadership Team ............... 4
Strengthen the Core ......................... 14
Be Our Communities' Health Partner 24
Transforming Our Future ..................28