Providence Little Company of Mary

PLCM 2020 Year in Review

In Good Company - A publication of Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Centers

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7 Meet Your Leadership teaM Rick Glimp, MD Chief Medical Officer, South Bay Dr. Glimp joined the PLCMMC Torrance medical staff in 1995 as an infectious disease specialist. He was elected Chief of Staff for 2008 and 2009 and transitioned into the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) role in 2010. He is presently CMO for both South Bay ministries. His goal is to ensure the highest quality and safety for our patients by working with a medical staff of over 1100 physicians and allied health professionals. He is also a strong supporter of the nursing staff and works to ensure there is strong collaboration and communication that leads to the great outcomes both our ministries are recognized for. Known for his sense of humor, when asked what brings him to work each day he answered "a BMW ". As Dr. Glimp is nearing retirement, he wants the caregivers to know how much of an honor it has been to serve and how much he has enjoyed being a part of the PLCM family. He is looking forward to being home more and taking long, sunset walks on the beach with his best girl and adoring fan, Kacie. As Dr. Glimp is nearing retirement, he wants the caregivers to know how much of an honor it has been to serve and how much he has enjoyed being a part of the PLCM family. Dr. Glimp hanging around. Enjoying family time with Bernie Sanders. True love.

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