Providence Little Company of Mary

PLCM 2020 Year in Review

In Good Company - A publication of Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Centers

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6 Meet Your Leadership teaM Scott Ciesielski Chief Nursing Officer, South Bay Scott has worked in healthcare for 28 years, beginning as an Intensive Care / Trauma staff nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston where he ultimately served as the Director of Adult and Pediatric Perioperative Care. Prior to coming to Providence Little Company of Mar y in November 2018, Scott was the Chief Nursing Executive over California Pacific Medical Center 's four campuses in San Francisco with Sutter Health. He earned a master 's degree in Nursing Administration and Critical Care Nursing from the University of Boston and a bachelor 's degree in Nursing from Curr y College in Milton, MA. Anyone who has spoken with Scott can tell by his accent he was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. His leadership style is that of a servant leader and Scott is often found rounding on patients and staff alike. Although he has only been with us for 2 ½ years, and COVID-19 certainly impacted daily operations, it did not change Scott 's advocacy for our team or his visibility throughout the hospital. As with Garr y and the other members of the senior leadership team, his door is always open and he welcomes the opportunity to meet and get to know all of our caregivers. Scott and his husband Bob, who is also an RN, have been together for 24 years; they have two adult sons, George and Justin. During his downtime, Scott can be found swimming, hiking or cooking. He and Bob also enjoy traveling. This past year they adopted 2 baby Great Danes and ended up with a litter of 10 adorable puppies. The one thing Scott wants our caregivers to know is that he is passionate about being our Chief Nursing Officer. While there have been opportunities for other roles along the way, Scott has always chosen to follow his passion and advance the profession of nursing. He 'lives and breathes' nursing and wants to continue to make a difference for those he works beside and those he leads. Scott wants our caregivers to know that he is passionate about being our Chief Nursing Officer. Puppies Nap time. Otis Ella

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