Explore the SUPER COLD virtually at the Pacific Science Center

Did you know that liquid nitrogen is -319 Fahrenheit?  

Science is cool, especially when it’s super cold! The Seattle Pacific Science Center is an amazing learning environment for kids in-person, and like many other organizations, they’ve virtualized some of their educational resources.

Now that the days are blurring and we’re always searching for ways to engage the developing minds of our children, I wanted to share with you a little science gem I found. In this 23-minute video, Pacific Science Center’s resident “freezeologist” Katy takes kids on a journey into the world of super cold things.

She explores the elements of liquid nitrogen and walks kids through a series of experiments to demonstrate how matter changes when it freezes. Katy gives kids a quick and easy to understand overview of how solids, liquids, and gases interact to transform molecules.

My kids (7 and 5) were captivated and asked for more. Maybe you and your kids will find some inspiration in this or other online educational resources offered by the Pacific Science Center.