
4.18.24 Labor Negotiation News

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• Increased call pay from $4.25 to $4.50 per hour • Increased charge nurse pay from $2.85 to $3.25 per hour • Enhanced short-term disability covering 100% wage loss for up to eight weeks • Increased educa�on benefits of $5,250 per year for all nurses – full-�me, part-�me and Registry AaNA's apparent decision to stall an agreement at next week's media�on will only delay nurse pay increases and enhanced short-term disability. We hope AaNA decides to par�cipate in next week's media�on in a meaningful way. Feel free to share this informa�on in conversa�ons with your teams, and email communica�on.phsa@providence4.onmicroso�.com if you have ques�ons. Sincerely, Carrie Peluso Chief Nursing Officer, PAMC Gian Hembrador Director Surgical Services, PAMC Megan Piper Director Service Opera�ons, PAMC Kate Armstrong Director Nursing, PAMC

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