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10 | Health Matters: Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Screening Saves Lives Providence Holy Cross Medical Center is committed to keeping you healthy and well. Our primary care physicians can screen patients for a variety of health conditions. From blood pressure monitoring to breast cancer screenings, our team uses the latest technology to help you stay healthy throughout every stage of your life. Use the evidence- based guidance in the chart to help you decide when to connect with your primary care physician for these common health screenings. Don't delay your care. To schedule a screening or to find a primary care physician near you, call 844-510-4325 or visit AGE GENDER DETAILS Colorectal cancer screening 45-75 BOTH Can stop at age 75 unless your physician recommends continued screening. Lung cancer screening 50-80 BOTH For adults ages 50 to 80 who have a 20-pack- year smoking histor y and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years; or people who have other lung cancer risk factors. Prostate cancer screening 55-69 MEN Some organizations recommend against screening men ages 70 and older. Breast cancer screening 50-74 WOMEN Mammography screening ever y one to two years for women at average risk. Women who are 40 to 49 years old should talk to their doctor about when to star t and how often to get mammograms. Cer vical cancer screening 21-65 WOMEN Ages 21-29: If your Pap test result is normal, your doctor may tell you that you can wait three years until your next Pap test. Ages 30-65: Pap test, HPV test or both (called co-testing) every three to five years if your result is normal. Osteoporosis screening 65 and older WOMEN Screening is also recommended for women younger than 65 at increased risk. Some men need screening, too. Blood pressure 18 and older BOTH At least once every two years. Cholesterol 20 and older BOTH Once every four to six years. Blood glucose 45 and older BOTH Repeat at three-year intervals if test is normal. Also recommended at younger ages if you're overweight and have at least one additional cardiovascular risk factor. OTHER TYPES OF HEALTH SCREENINGS Your physician will recommend other types of screenings depending on your age and individual circumstances. These tests may include: Genetic testing for cancer-causing gene mutations Mental health screening Hepatitis C virus infection for people born between 1945 an 1965 and some other higher-risk groups HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases Overweight or obesity testing Vision screening Hearing screening Memory (dementia) screening Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening Sources: National Preventive Services Task Force, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality SCREENING

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