
2023 Bloomsday Training Maps

Health & Hope is a newsletter designed to educate and inspire Western Montanans on life-saving procedures, community events and services to keep you and your family healthy.

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Training Routes – Weeks 4-7 Modified Perceived Exertion (PE) Scale 1................2................3...............4................5................ Nothing Light Moderate Difficult Lolligaggin' & Smellin' the Roses Breathless & Can't Talk G overnment Way W h i s t a l k s W a y Whistalks W ay E lli ot t D ri v e Spokane Falls Community College Gymnasium Week 4 Turnaround (2.2 Miles) Week 5 Turnaround (2.5 Miles) Week 6 Turnaround (3 Miles) Week 7 Turnaround (3.5 Miles) C e n t enni al T r a il W W W W Water & First Aid Spokane River Turnaround points Week 4 — 4.4 Miles Stay on the Centennial Trail to the Cemetary/Water Station. Turn around and head back the same way you came. Start and Finish: Spokane Falls Community College 3410 W. Whistalks Way Each week take the route through campus and then connect to Elliott Dr. Stay on the left until you reach the Centennial Trail. (before you get to the bridge) Week 6 — 6 Miles Continue on the Centennial Trail past the water station to the turnaround point (3 miles) It will be clearly marked. Week 5 — 5 Miles Continue on the Centennial Trail past the water station to the turnaround point (2.5 miles) It will be clearly marked. Week 7 — 7 Miles Stay on the Trail past the water station at the 2.5 mile mark. Turn around at the 3.5 mile mark. It will be clearly marked. Start Finish Providence Bloomsday Training Clinics

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