St. Joseph Community Partnership Fund

Bridging to the Future Summary

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On the two year anniversary of the 2017 wildfires, Sonoma and Napa counties are faced with a new normal, most recently hallmarked by rolling power shut downs across the region in the face of heightened fire danger and high winds. A poignant reminder of the dramatically changed landscape, the shut downs highlight that the very real threat of disaster remains the context for the work of local leadership, as stakeholders move from direct relief and recovery efforts into rebuilding, and vigilantly protecting, a resilient community. The needs of the community have grown dramatically. Affordable housing, mental health, job stability and environmental safety have surfaced as unmet community priorities, as a larger number of the region's population than ever before has been made "vulnerable" by job loss, housing instability, and trauma. How does the community of stakeholders most engaged in the disaster response effort feel about its own impact two years after the fires? That is the question asked of more than 60 foundation staff, government agency representatives, and nonprofit professionals, and the focus of this timely assessment. This report, resourced by the St. Joseph Health Community Partnership Fund, a grantmaking foundation of the Providence St. Joseph Health system that has been involved in the disaster response effort, was designed to assess the cross-sector regional response to the wildfires in Napa and Sonoma. It draws from an extensive mixed-methods evaluation process that encompassed document review, surveys and interviews. The research was supported by a local Advisory Committee with representatives from providers, funders, and local government. Background Methodology 1

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